Grid Site Services

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What makes a grid site a grid site?

A grid site is a computing center offering grid services to users. The users are normally organized in Virtual Organizations (VO). So each grid site supports at least one VO. For this workshop the supported VO is dech. You can also add more VOs if you like to.


Information system

To be visible in the grid every grid site provides at least a site BDII. The site BDII is the central information system where all the site's gLite services are published. Each group of you got already an installed site BDII and a corresponding site name. All services you install today have to be added to the configuration of this site BDII.

Central BDII services called BDII_top or TopLevel BDII collect all information from the site BDIIs and provide this e.g. to the users or the Resource Borker. For the communication the ldap protocol is used.


Now we will have a look at the site BDII:

Go to The site BDII

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