Sharing data with users outside KIT

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The LSDF allow sharing of data with users outside KIT by http (web access). The web host runs an http daemon and has several TB disk space to store and server data. The server runs independant from the main storage and user management. In order for users to use this LSDF feature the following steps must be taken:

  • Add a user account This user is local to the web host. Usernames have the format u_<institute>
  • Setup an automatic copy from source to destination

Access via WEB

Setup a directory to store the data to be visible on the WEB:

mkdir /srv/public-data/<institute>

Add a symbolic link in the user home as follows:

ln -s PUBLIC_DATA /srv/public-data/<institute>

The following link is now active:<institute>

Access via secure protocols

After the user account has been created ask the user to send his public key. The key goes into /home/u_<institute>/.ssh/authorized_keys

From then on the user can share data via ssh/scp/sftp over port 2222

ssh -p 2222 u_<institute>

The account passwd is inside the home folder in the file "access.txt", in > case your collaborators can't deal with ssh keys (preferred method of > course) and/or you want to change the password. > > In $HOME there are two links to the PUBLIC_DATA and SHARED_DATA folders. > The public folder is visible through http, > > while the shared folder is for internal collaboration and only accessible > via ssh/scp/sftp.