Quickstart guide for gsatellite

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  BWDAHub<br\>   Preparing access to the BWDAHub<br\>   Quickstart guide for gtransfer<br\>   Quickstart guide for gsatellite

Job creation

For the gtransfer job creation first use gtransfer's bash completion to construct the transfer command as usual but don't actually start it. When finished with the source and destination URLs and your desired gtransfer options (don't forget to add -e to the gt command line if an encrypted data transfer is desired) copy the gtransfer command line to a text file and add the following header to it:

#GSAT -T gtransfer

Example gtransfer job file contents:

#GSAT -T gtransfer
gt -s my-source-host:/path/to/files/* \
   -d my-dest-archive:/~/public/ \
   -e -v

Start the job scheduler

To start the gsatellite scheduler - if it is not already running - issue the following command (the $ character just marks the shell prompt!):

$ gsatlcd --start

You can check that the job scheduler is running by using the --status option of gsatlcd. This should issue a message similar to the following, when it is running and nothing if it is not running.

$ gsatlcd --status
gsatlc hostname="bwdahub.lsdf.kit.edu"
gsatlc PID="7160"

Enabling email notifications

After starting the job scheduler but before submitting the gtransfer job, you can configure your email address to enable email notification for job start and job termination events. Create a file named myEmailAddress in the directory .gsatellite in your home directory and enter your email address.

Example contents:


After configuration you will receive an email after a job was started and after it terminated execution.

Job submission

For job submission you can use the gqsub command. Simply point gqsub to the gtransfer job created a few steps earlier and hit Enter.

$ gqsub gsat-jobs/gt.job

Upon successful submission gqsub will return the job id of the submitted job.

NOTE: In order to perform a data transfer between GridFTP servers, a gtransfer job needs a GSI proxy credential (GPC) that is valid during the whole data transfer - i.e. a GPC similar to the one you usually use when logging in to the BWDAHub via GSISSH.

During login a limited delegated GPC is automatically created for this purpose from the one you use for login (see your login messages for details). "Limited" in this context means that it can only be used for GridFTP services by default and not for logins via GSISSH.

By default the limited delegated GPC will have a lifetime of 12 hours at maximum but this also depends on the lifetime of the GPC used for login. If it expires earlier, the limited delegated GPC will also expire earlier.

This also means that for a long running transfer (e.g. one that takes more than 12 hours to complete) you have to relogin to the BWDAHub within 12 hours after the limited delegated GPC was created in order to recreate a new limited delegated GPC from the GPC used for login. If your locally existing GPC would expire earlier, you should also recreate a new one locally before logging in to the BWDAHub to refreshen the limited delegated GPC there.

You can configure the lifetime of the limited delegated GPC by creating the file dgpc-lifetime in $HOME/.globus. The format of the file is a single line consisting of the desired lifetime in hours and minutes (the format is HH:MM, e.g.: enter 12:00 for 12 hours or 24:00 for 1 day). After creation and configuration of this file you need to relogin for activation of this change.

Check job status

You can check the status of the job with the gqstat command. Without any options this gives a summary table of all jobs that ran or are still running:

$ gqstat
   job.state job.id             job.execHost                 job.name
------------ ------ ------------------------ ------------------------
finished     00000  bwdahub.lsdf.kit.edu     succeed.job.example     
failed       00001  bwdahub.lsdf.kit.edu     fail.job.example        
running      00002  bwdahub.lsdf.kit.edu     gt.job                  

With the opion -f you will get a full listing of all job attributes. You can limit the output to the job of interest by adding the job id:

$ gqstat -f 00002

Follow job execution

To follow job execution in near real-time, you can use the tail tool and the job output files available in the job directory. E.g. to follow the standard output of the running gt job you can use the following command:

$ tail -f /home/user/.gsatellite/gschedule/jobs/00002.d/job.stdout

gt [.]: Transfer step: 0

gt [.]: tgftp transfer command:
tgftp --log-filename "tgftp_transfer_7499__step_0.log" --force-log-o
verwrite --post-command "if [[ ! -s /home/user/.gtransfer/tmp/
aa7483b75c02f.dumpfile ]]; then rm /home/user/.gtransfer/tmp/
aa7483b75c02f.dumpfile; fi" -- -dbg -cc 16 -tcp-bs 4M -p 16 -fast 
-restart -rst-retries 1 -dumpfile /home/user/.gtransfer/tmp/
aa7483b75c02f.dumpfile -stall-timeout 30 -sync -sync-level 1 -f 

You can exit by hitting CTRL+C.

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