Job openings at SCC KIT for data storage and data management

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Developing and planning, expanding and replacing, operating and fixing: the LSDF is a busy place. Our team of physisist, computer science engineers, mathematicians and biologists collaboratively seek to improve and enhance the LSDF experience for our scientific partners. If you are interested to join us and work in the broad field spanning from conception to support do not hesitate and drop a note.

Email to Andreas Heiss or Email to Jos van Wezel

Students, Interns

Look here if you are a student looking for a small time semester job (HiWi) and for a bachelor, master or doctoral thesis in the interesting field of distributed data and data management.

Job openings

Web services programmer you develop and integrate applications that enable data handling via web interfaces. Your work will be a blend of architecting solutions, hands-on development, code reviews and you will be involved in several projects related to data management for peta bytes of scientific data.

Data management expert with interests in computing, workflows and data organisation. You will work with scientists and application users and convert their field requirements to easy to use tools and services. You select and adapt open source software and you intelligently combine products in use or being developed at different scientific communities or from computer engineering.

Data Storage specialists with background in computer science or physics computing. Your job: the installation of novel hard and software technologies for peta byte storage systems and to keep it running securely and efficient. You improve everything and the internet is your information system.

Services development manager, you like big data, computers and automation and you bring working knowledge and understanding of project frameworks, methodologies and standards. Affinity for organisation of data services taking availability, resources, offer and demand, security into account. Background in technology management (Betriebswirtschaft).

Business and big data analytics developers and Data Scientists. backed by the latest in hardware and software for high performance smart data research you will guide researchers and industry on the path to faster and more competitive decision making processes. You are interested or even experienced in computer and software technologies like hadoop, HANA, Terracotta and more. Please visit for more information.

Keywords: open positions, job listing, system administrator, system developer, working in Germany, linux, programming, python, perl, C, java, big data, data management