What makes a grid site a grid site?

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What makes a grid site a grid site?

Before that question is answered we should discuss about "What makes a grid a grid?". In 2002 Ian Foster defined in "What is the Grid? A Three Point Checklist" a checklist.

  1. In a Grid resources that are not subject to centralized control are coordinated.
    A Grid integrates and coordinates resources and users that live within different control domains—for example, the user’s desktop vs. central computing; different administrative units of the same company; or different companies; and addresses the issues of security, policy, payment, membership, and so forth that arise in these settings. Otherwise, we are dealing with a local management system.
  2. A Grid uses standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces.
    A Grid is built from multi-purpose protocols and interfaces that address such fundamental issues as authentication, authorization, resource discovery, and resource access. It is important that these protocols and interfaces be standard and open. Otherwise, we are dealing with an application specific system.
  3. A Grid delivers nontrivial qualities of service.
    A Grid allows its constituent resources to be used in a coordinated fashion to deliver various qualities of service, relating for example to response time, throughput, availability, and security, and/or co-allocation of multiple resource types to meet complex user demands, so that the utility of the combined system is significantly greater than that of the sum of its parts.

A single grid resource (a grid site)

  • offers compute and/ or storage services to remote users via standardized interfaces.
  • These users are normally organized in virtual organizations (VOs).
  • supports at least one virtual organization.
  • For this workshop the supported virtual organization is dech.

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