Testing the gLite ApelBox

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You can check for two things here

  • the successful download of the CRL

The fetch-crl script was installed by you in one of the previous steps. Have a look at the file /etc/cron.d/fetch-crl. After this you know that the following command is executed inside the cron script


Run this command from the shell

sh -x /opt/glite/libexec/fetch-crl.sh
  • the output of the glite-apel-publisher

Do the same as above. Have a look at the contents of the file /etc/cron.d/glite-apel-publisher and try to run the contained script by hand.

export APEL_HOME=/opt/glite
/opt/glite/bin/apel-publisher -f /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-publisher/publisher-config-yaim.xml

The output should be similar to

=====Starting APEL Publisher=====
Wed Aug 25 09:25:13 CEST 2010
Current versions of APEL RPMS:
Copying certificates from /etc/grid-security to the Java key store used by the APEL Publisher
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Read-in configuration: [logenabled, p, inspectTables, j]
 [DBUsername=accounting, DBURL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/accounting, DBPassword=****, site=UNI-DORTMUND, 
Timeout   for awaiting a reply from the consumer.=1800000, The max. num of accounting records in each JMS 
message=2000, Batch size=300000, republish=missing]
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - ------ Starting the apel application ------
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - **** APEL is examining the schema ****
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking the LcgRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - The LcgRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking the BlahdRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - The BlahdRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking the LcgProcessedFiles table
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - The LcgProcessedFiles schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking the SpecRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - The SpecRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking the GkRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - The GkRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking the MessageRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - The MessageRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - **** Schema checks complete ****
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Optimising table: EventRecords
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Optimising table: GkRecords
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Optimising table: MessageRecords
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Optimising table: SpecRecords
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Optimising table: LcgRecords
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Optimising table: BlahdRecords
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - **** Combining tables and republishing in LcgRecords ****
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Checking valid CPU spec data exists
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - program aborted
Wed Aug 25 07:25:22 UTC 2010: apel-publisher - Cannot generate any accounting records because no cpu spec value is 
defined in the SpecRecords table, spec values are added when running the CPUProcessor, check user documentation 
for more help

You receive the last line of information, because no data to publish is available. The necessary data is added by another cron job running on the CREAM compute element. This job submits accounting information via an mysql client to the mysql server running on the APEL node.

If you have access to a CREAM compute element, login and change to the /etc/cron.d directory. Have a look at the file edg-apel-pbs-parser and its contents. You can also run the apel-pbs-log-parser manually by

export RGMA_HOME=/opt/glite 
export APEL_HOME=/opt/glite 
/opt/glite/bin/apel-pbs-log-parser -f /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-pbs/parser-config-yaim.xml

The output should be similar to

Wed Aug 25 07:33:47 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Read-in configuration: [quiet, p, inspectTables, c, e, 
recursiveEventFiles, b, recursiveBlahdFiles] [DBPassword=****, site=UNI-DORTMUND, pbslog=/var/spool/pbs/server_priv/accounting,
GIIS=<HOSTNAME>, CEhost=<HOSTNAME>, blahdlogPrefix=blahp.log-, DBURL=jdbc:mysql://<HOSTNAME>:3306/accounting, 
DBUsername=accounting, timeZone=UTC, blahdlog=/opt/glite/var/log/accounting]
Wed Aug 25 07:33:47 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - ------ Starting the apel application ------
Wed Aug 25 07:33:47 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - **** APEL is examining the schema ****
Wed Aug 25 07:33:47 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Checking the LcgRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:33:47 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - The LcgRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:33:47 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Checking the BlahdRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - The BlahdRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Checking the LcgProcessedFiles table
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - The LcgProcessedFiles schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Checking the SpecRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - The SpecRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Checking the GkRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - The GkRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Checking the MessageRecords table
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - The MessageRecords schema is up-to-date 
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - **** Schema checks complete ****
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Finding CPU spec values from GIIS server: <HOSTNAME>
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - LDAP URL: ldap://<HOSTNAME>:2170
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - CPUScalingReferenceSI00 not found. Using HostBenchmarkSI00 value
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Cluster: <HOSTNAME>, Subcluster: <HOSTNAME>, SpecInt2000: 2728, SpecFloat2000: 103
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Found New ClusterId, now storing it
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Number of entries found for this cluster: 1
Wed Aug 25 07:33:52 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Reprocess disabled, checking new event logs only
Wed Aug 25 07:33:53 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - **** Updating PBS end event table (EventRecords) ****
Wed Aug 25 07:33:53 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Processing batch log file: <HOSTNAME> /var/spool/pbs/server_priv/accounting/20100626
Wed Aug 25 07:33:57 UTC 2010: apel-pbs-log-parser - Processing batch log file: <HOSTNAME> /var/spool/pbs/server_priv/accounting/20100820

Now there should be some content to publish. However, as your compute element and your test site at this summer school are not registered clients at the official central accounting server, publication of your accounting data should be rejected.

Go back to gLite Administration Course, ApelBox