Python for scientific programming

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Technical specification/requirements

To take part in this course you will need the following software packages

  • Python (>= 2.6 > 3.0)
  • IPython (>= 0.12)
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Cython (>= 0.15)

GridKa School has provided machines with the above software pre-installed, to which you can log in remotely, but if you install the required packages on your laptop you will be more comfortable working in a familiar environment.

Assigned exercise machines

UID             Host name                  IP address

Testing your installation

Download Media:installation-test.tgz. Then

   tar zxvf installation-test.tgz
   cd installation-test
   python build_ext --inplace
   ipython --pylab -i

should pop up a picture of the Mandelbrot set.

Course Material

There are two ways of accessing the course material: