IBM BootCamp

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Date: 11 Sept 2015 1:00-6:00 PM

Location: Building 30.22

Room: 229.4


This hands-on IBM SPSS Data Mining Workshop is an instructor-led session using IBM’s data mining and predictive modeling software and is designed for those who are familiar with predictive analytics. Through this workshop you will experience first hand how IBM SPSS Modeler works and how easy it is to implement predictive analytics. Introduction in Predictive Analytics.

Exercise: IBM SPSS Modeler

  • Predictive in 20 min.
  • Association Modelling
  • Segmentation Modelling
  • Classification Modeling
  • Deployment



  • A personal notebook is required for this workshop.
  • A registration by a valid account is required for the “SDIL service” at KIT in order to access the IBM SPSS Modeler tool installed on a remote machine (instructions are given in the next paragraph). Please register yourself in advance to the workshop.
  • A Remote Desktop Connection Client is required in your notebook.

Registration for the SDIL service at KIT

IBM SPSS Modeler tool is available on the Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) Platform operated by the Steinbuch Center for Computing. In order to access the Platform you need to register yourself for the SDIL service at KIT.

If you have already a KIT account (i.e. you are a KIT employee), you can proceed with the registration following the instructions reported below.

If you are an external user, you need first to activate a temporary KIT Guest&Partner account. As soon as your account has been created, you will receive your credentials with an activation link by email. Please first activate your account and then proceed with the registration following the instructions reported below.

To register yourself for the SDIL service at KIT, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the web browser and navigate to:
  2. Select from the list of the home organization “Karlsruher Institute für Technologie (KIT)” and click the button “Proceed”.
  3. Enter your username and password and confirm.
  4. After a successful login you are redirected to the page of the SDIL service. Click on “Register”. After the approval you will get a confirmation email from the SDIL team.

Registration deadline is September, 10 at 12:00 am.

Launch the IBM SPSS Modeler

  1. Run the Remote Desktop Connection Client (e.g., on Windows you find Remote Desktop Connection under Accessories, for Linux you can use “Remmina” Remote Desktop)
  2. Connect to the remote Windows Terminal Server:
  3. Log in using your username and password registered for the SDIL service.
  4. On the Desktop click on IBM SPSS Modeler icon to start the program.

Please click the “Abmelden” icon on the desktop to log off your Terminal Server session.

The workshop material can be found at C:\PKG - GridKa SPSS files\ModelerWorkshop\