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C. Mitterer, O. Tsigenov, C. Delle Fratte, C.Bernardt


dCache is one of storage solutions used in the WLCG consisting of 94 PB of storage distributed world wide on 77 sites. Depending on the Persistency Model, dCache provides methods for exchanging data with backend (tertiary) Storage Systems as well as space management, pool attraction, dataset replication, hot spot determination and recovery from disk or node failures. Beside HEP specific protocols, data in dCache can be accessed via NFSv4.1 (pNFS) as well as through WebDav.

The workshop includes theoretical sessions and practical hands-on sessions such as installation, configuration of its components, simple usage and monitoring. The basic knowledge of Unix systems is required.


Thursday, August 29, 11:30-18:30
The maximal number of participants is restricted to 30.

Time Table

11:30 Welcome And Overview, held by Christian Bernardt

A welcome and overview to the course.

11:40 Introduction To dCache, held by Christoph Anton Mitterer

Gives an overview on dCache, its history, future and application areas, its basic functionality and special features, its structure, main components, databases, protocols and data access model as well as typical cluster setups.

12:30 dCache Within Grids, held by Christoph Anton Mitterer

Gives some brief notes on grid-specific concepts, techniques, tools and clients that are important for using dCache within a grid (for example the LCG) and that will be referenced in later chapters.

12:40 Lunch
13:30 dCache installation, held by Cesare Delle Fratte

Describes the typical installation-procedure for a dCache cluster, including its external dependencies, the core-services and the file hierarchy provider, the creation of pools as well as the configuration system.

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Pool Management And Pool Selection , held by Oleg Tsigenov

Covers some of the concepts and means of selecting pools for client read- and write-accesses as well as their configuration.

17:00 Access Control (with exercises), held by Christoph Anton Mitterer

Gives a basic overview on the main access control systems within dCache as well as their configuration.

18:30 End of the workshop

Assigned excercise machines

UID             Host name                    IP address


The dcache.org main page is the starting point for all interests about dCache. Either searching for documentation or support, news or source code, everything can be found there.


Thank you German Support Team. A special thanks to D-Grid and the HGF-Alliance Physics on the Terascale for funding.