Configuration of the site BDII

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The site BDII requires many config variables to be adapted for your site. The location of your grid site has to be given and information on the site contacts (e. g. administration contact or security contact mail). The contact has to be real and maintained. Especially the security email contact must be valid.

Create an empty file site-info.def in the directory /root/yaim/

mkdir -p /root/yaim
cd /root/yaim 
touch site-info.def
chmod -R 600 /root/yaim

and add the following variables to the file and change the bold value (as editor you can use vi):

SITE_BDII_HOST=`hostname -f`
SITE_LOC="Karlsruhe, Germany"    
SITE_DESC="GridKa School - gLite Administration Course"

Under SITE_OTHER_* everything interesting can be published. You might want to publish your grid or publish a link to your site icon. All SITE_OTHER_* values will be published in the information system as

GlueSiteOtherInfo: <KEY>=<VALUE>

If you have a variable you want to have several times you can use the format SITE_OTHER_<KEY>="<VALUE1>|<VALUE2>|<VALUE3>". The output in the information system will look like

GlueSiteOtherInfo: <KEY>=<VALUE1>
GlueSiteOtherInfo: <KEY>=<VALUE2>
GlueSiteOtherInfo: <KEY>=<VALUE3>

You also have to add all resources of your site to the site-info.def file, e.g.

# *_HOST                    # all hostnames of the site resources, e.g. CE_HOST, LFC_HOST ...
LFC_HOST=""  # only if installed at local site

For each service you have to add a ldap contact string and define it in the variable BDII_REGIONS


# BDII_<REGION>_URL="ldap://$<RESOURCE hostname>:2170/mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid"

After filling the site-info.def with content the configuration can be done. An example site-info.def file can be found here: Bild:Site-info.def.txt

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -n glite-BDII_site

NOTE: The function lists for the yaim configuration are located in /opt/glite/yaim/node-info.d/. You can have a look at the lists on the machines or in the wiki under category "Function lists". The functions executed for the configuration of the site BDII can be found here.

yaim provides you with some output that should look similar to the one below

  INFO: Using site configuration file: /root/yaim/site-info.def
        .             /'.-. ')
        .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
        .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
        .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
        . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
        .   Y,--,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
        .    I_))_) I_))_)
        current working directory: /root/yaim
        site-info.def date: Aug 30 09:12 /root/yaim/site-info.def
        yaim command: -c -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -n glite-BDII_site
        log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
        Mon Aug 30 09:13:27 CEST 2010 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
        Installed YAIM versions:
        glite-yaim-bdii 4.0.5-1
        glite-yaim-core 4.0.11-2
  INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /opt/glite/etc/profile.d
  INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
  INFO: Detecting environment
  INFO: Executing function: config_edgusers_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_site_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_bdii_site_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_bdii_site_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_bdii_only_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_edgusers 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_only 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_site 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_bdii_site 
  INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_bdii_site_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_bdii_site 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_service_release 
  INFO: Executing function: config_bdii_only 
Stopping update process:                                   [  OK  ]

Stopping SLAPD:                                            [  OK  ]

Starting SLAPD:                                            [  OK  ]

Starting update process:                                   [  OK  ]

  INFO: Configuration Complete.                                               [  OK  ]
  INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully.

Next step is Testing the site BDII

Go back to gLite Administration Course, Site BDII, Installation of a site BDII