Configuration of the gLite VoBox

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The VoBox requires similar to the other gLite services a site-info.def file.

Create an empty file site-info.def in the directory /root/yaim/

mkdir -p /root/yaim/
chmod 700 /root/yaim/
touch /root/yaim/site-info.def

and add the following variables

BDII_HOST=<Fully qualified hostname of a TopLevelBDII> 
PX_HOST=<Fully qualified hostname of MyProxy Server>
RB_HOST=<Fully qualified hostname of a Resource Broker>
VOBOX_HOST=<Fully qualified hostname of your VoBox>
WMS_HOST=<Fully qualified hostname of a Workload Management System>
SE_LIST=<List of accessible storage elements> # -> ""
SITE_NAME=<Name of your site> 
USERS_CONF=<path to your users.conf>
GROUPS_CONF=<path to your groups.conf>
VOS=<List of supported VOs>
VO_<vo-name>_VOMSES=<Parameters needed to contact a VOMS server>
VO_<vo-name>_VOMS_CA_DN=<Distinguished Name of the CA that signs the VOMS server certificate>
VO_<vo-name>_SW_DIR=<path to the shared software area for the VO>
VO_<vo-name>_VOMS_SERVERS=<VOMS Server Link>

Replace the virtual organization specific values for dech (see VO configuration) and fill in also all the other values, e.g. the RB (wms-[abcd], BDII ( and PX hosts (

After you saved your changes to the site-info.def and checked

  • for the existence of the host certificate and host key in the /etc/grid-security directory and
  • for the existence of the users.conf and groups.conf files,

the configuration via yaim can be started

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -n glite-VOBOX

The output of yaim should look similar to the one below:

  INFO: Using site configuration file: /root/yaim/site-info.def
        .             /'.-. ')
        .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
        .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
        .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
        . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
        .   Y,--,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
        .    I_))_) I_))_)
        current working directory: /root
        site-info.def date: Sep 3 09:52 /root/yaim/site-info.def
        yaim command: -c -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -n glite-VOBOX
        log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
        Fri Sep  3 09:54:11 CEST 2010 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
        Installed YAIM versions:
        glite-yaim-clients 4.0.9-2
        glite-yaim-core 4.0.12-1
        glite-yaim-cream-ce 4.1.0-14
        glite-yaim-torque-utils 4.0.4-1
  INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /opt/glite/etc/profile.d
  INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
  INFO: Detecting environment
  INFO: Executing function: config_lcgenv_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_lcg_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_host_certs_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_users_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_edgusers_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_mkgridmap_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_rgma_client_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_vobox_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_vobox_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_workload_manager_client_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gsissh_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_vobox_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_glite_ui_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_vomses_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_bdii_only_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_glite_env 
  INFO: Executing function: config_lcgenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_ldconf 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_edg 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_globus 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sysconfig_lcg 
  INFO: Executing function: config_crl 
  INFO: Executing function: config_rfio 
  INFO: Executing function: config_host_certs 
  INFO: Executing function: config_users 
  INFO: Executing function: config_edgusers 
  INFO: Executing function: config_mkgridmap_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_mkgridmap 
  INFO: The grid-map file will also contain special users for VO DECH since UNPRIVILEGED_MKGRIDMAP=no for the VO.
  INFO: Adding ordinary users in the gridmap file since the VO is defined in groups.conf
  INFO: Now creating the grid-mapfile - this may take a few minutes...
  INFO: Executing function: config_rgma_client_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_rgma_client 
  INFO: YAIM has detected the OS is SL5. The rgma client is no longer configured in SL5.
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_only 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_vobox_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_vobox 
  INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_vobox_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_vobox 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gip_service_release 
  INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_globus_clients 
  INFO: Configure the globus service
setup-tmpdirs: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating globus-script-initializer
config.status: creating
creating globus-script-initializer
creating Globus::Core::Paths
checking globus-hostname
  INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_sw_dir 
  WARNING: YAIM has detected multiple sgm accounts
  WARNING: Execute the following command manually: chmod -R ug+rw,o-w /dech
  WARNING: to ensure that the VO software area in /dech has the correct permissions.
  INFO: Executing function: config_workload_manager_client_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_workload_manager_client 
  INFO: Executing function: config_fts_client 
  INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_amga_client 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gsissh_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_gsissh 
Configuring gsi_openssh


 o Privilege separation is off.
 o GSI-OpenSSH website is <>.
Finished configuring gsi_openssh.
The server's pid file does not exist!  Are you sure the server is running?
Starting up GSI-OpenSSH sshd server... done.
  INFO: Executing function: config_vobox_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_vobox 
Process  does not exist ...                               [FAILED]
Starting ProxyRenewal Daemon: vobox-renewd                [  OK  ]
  INFO: Executing function: config_glite_ui_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_glite_ui 
  WARNING: The file /tmp/jobOutput specified in the variable OUTPUT_STORAGE doesn't exist
  WARNING: The user is responsible for creating this file !
  INFO: Executing function: config_vomses 
  INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_vomsdir 
  INFO: Executing function: config_bdii_only 
Stopping update process:                                   [  OK  ]

Stopping SLAPD:                                            [  OK  ]

Starting SLAPD:                                            [  OK  ] 

Starting update process:                                   [  OK  ]

  INFO: Configuration Complete.                                               [  OK  ]
  INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully.

Please have a look at the output of yaim for possible errors and warnings. For example

 WARNING: The file /tmp/jobOutput specified in the variable OUTPUT_STORAGE doesn't exist
 WARNING: The user is responsible for creating this file !

The configuration process may also show another error that is caused by the slapd. Please restart this service manually by

sh -x /etc/init.d/bdii start

and check if it is properly starting.

Next step is Testing the VoBox

Go back to gLite Administration Course, VoBox