Configuration of the Batchsystem Server

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The configuration of the batch system server requires also a site-info.def file. Create an empty file site-info.def in the directory /root/yaim

mkdir /root/yaim
touch /root/yaim/site-info.def
chmod -R 600 /root/yaim

and add the following variables:

BATCH_SERVER=`hostname -f` # hostname of your batch system server
CE_HOST="" # hostname of your CREAM Compute Element
  • The CE_HOST will be added to the list of batch system clients that are allowed to connect to the server for job submission.
  • QUEUES contains the list of queues that are created as part of the batch system. For each queue you can define which virtual organizations are allowed for job submission
<QUEUE_NAME>_GROUP_ENABLE=<List of virtual organizations>
  • WN_LIST points to a text file containing the list of worker nodes. The batch system server will assign submitted jobs to one or more of those nodes.
  • Ensure that the files groups.conf and users.conf contain proper values and are in place. You can find information on how to setup users.conf here and for groups.conf here.

Configuration with yaim

Call yaim for the node type TORQUE_server:

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -n glite-TORQUE_server

The functions that are executed while this configuration is ongoing are listed here and the output should be similar to the one below

  INFO: Using site configuration file: /root/yaim/site-info.def
        .             /'.-. ')
        .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
        .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
        .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
        . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
        .   Y,--,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
        .    I_))_) I_))_)
        current working directory: /root/yaim
        site-info.def date: Aug 30 10:29 /root/yaim/site-info.def
        yaim command: -c -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -n glite-TORQUE_server
        log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
        Mon Aug 30 10:31:45 CEST 2010 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
        Installed YAIM versions:
        glite-yaim-core 4.0.11-2
        glite-yaim-torque-server 4.0.4  -1
        glite-yaim-torque-utils 4.0.4-1
  INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /opt/glite/etc/profile.d
  INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
  INFO: Detecting environment
  INFO: Executing function: config_users_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_torque_server_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_users 
  INFO: Executing function: config_torque_server_setenv 
  INFO: Currently this function doesn't set any environment variables.
  INFO: Executing function: config_torque_server 
  INFO: Re-starting the torque server
Shutting down TORQUE Server:                               [FAILED]
Starting TORQUE Server:                                    [  OK  ]
Max open servers: 4
Max open servers: 4
Max open servers: 4
Shutting down TORQUE Server:                               [  OK  ]
Starting TORQUE Server:                                    [  OK  ]
  INFO: Configuration Complete.                                               [  OK  ]
  INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully.

This step did not setup the MAUI client. If you want also to setup MAUI, please run

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -r -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -f config_maui_cfg 
  INFO: Using site configuration file: /root/yaim/site-info.def
        .             /'.-. ')
        .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
        .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
        .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
        . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
        .   Y,--,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
        .    I_))_) I_))_)
        current working directory: /opt/glite/yaim/functions
        site-info.def date: Aug 30 11:18 /root/yaim/site-info.def
        yaim command: -r -s /root/yaim/site-info.def -f config_maui_cfg
        log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
        Mon Aug 30 11:18:38 CEST 2010 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
        Installed YAIM versions:
        glite-yaim-core 4.0.11-2
        glite-yaim-torque-server 4.0.4  -1
        glite-yaim-torque-utils 4.0.4-1
  INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /opt/glite/etc/profile.d
  INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
  INFO: Detecting environment
  INFO: Assuming the node types:  CE_torque
  INFO: Using hostname:
  INFO: Executing function: config_maui_cfg_check 
  INFO: Executing function: config_maui_cfg_setenv 
  INFO: Executing function: config_maui_cfg 
  INFO: configuring maui ...
  INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully

NFS Server Setup

The Compute Element needs access to the accounting data of the batch system. Therefore the batch system needs to run a NFS server exporting the accounting directory. To achieve this open /etc/exports and add the following lines

/var/spool/pbs/server_logs     ,async,no_root_squash)

Finally (re)start the NFS server to start exporting the directory

/etc/init.d/nfs restart

After the batchsystem server is setup you can test some basic functionality.

Go to Testing the Batchsystem Server

Go back to gLite Administration Course, Batch system server, Installation of a Batchsystem server