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[root@hpssmvr02 ~]# cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
[root@hpssmvr02 ~]# cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
defaultserver backup
defaultserver backup
servername backup
servername backup

Revision as of 09:58, 14 July 2016

1. TSM backup of HPSS mover

0 22 * * * /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc inc -errorlogname=/var/log/dsmerror.log >>  /var/log/dsmbackup.log 2>&1
[root@hpssmvr02 ~]# cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
defaultserver   backup
servername      backup
nodename        scc-hpssmvr02
domain / /varhpss /hpss_src /localhome /boot
tcpport                 1503
tcpserveraddress        scc-tsm-sb03.scc.kit.edu
commmethod              tcpip
passwordaccess          generate
managedservices         schedule
*inclexcl                /usr/local/tsm/backup.inclexcl
schedlogretention       32 d
errorlogretention       32 d
resourceutilization     1
guitreeviewafterbackup  yes

2. TSM backup of HPSS core

on either core server in crontab:
#HPSS file systems backups only from the active core server
00 02 * * * if [ $(hostname) == "hpsscr" ] ; then /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc inc -se="hpsscr_backup" -errorlogname=/root/tsm/hpsscr/dsmerror_hpsscr_backup.log>> 
/root/tsm/hpss/dsm_hpsscr_backup.out 2>&1 ;/root/tsm/hpss_ba_tbspaces_tree.sh >> /root/tsm/hpsscr/dsm_hpsscr_ba_tbspaces.out 2>&1 ; fi #system backup 00 07 * * * /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc inc -se="system_backup" -errorlogname=/root/tsm/hpsscr01/dsmerror_system_backup.log >> /root/tsm/hpsscr01/dsm_hpsscr01.out 2>&1 System backup: TSM backup for the local file systems: / /localhome /boot (TSM does not make a backup for mounted file systems, they have to be specified) TSM server defined in dsm.sys: system_backup TSM node names: scc-hpsscr01, scc-hpsscr02 Active core backup: TSM backup for all HPSS file systems; it runs only on active core TSM node name: scc-hpsscr TSM server defined in dsm.sys: hpsscr_backup

TSM backup of DB2 tablespaces directory structure

The following script takes a tsm backup of DB2 tablespaces directory structure. (DB2 backup makes data backup here is only the directory structure)
It may be helpful for restoring DB2 from a DB2 bgackup.
It is an IBM recommendation to backup the directory structure, it was not required for our restore test Database Restore exercised on Test Core
[root@hpsscr02 lost+found]# cat /root/tsm/hpss_ba_tbspaces_tree.sh
#! /bin/bash
for i in $(seq 1 24); do
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc inc -se="hpsscr_backup" -errorlogname=/root/tsm/hpsscr/dsm_hpsscr_ba_tbspaces.log -dirsonly /hpss_tbspc$i

TSM config file on either core server

cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys 
servername      system_backup
  nodename        scc-hpsscr01
  domain / /localhome /boot
  tcpport                 1503
  tcpserveraddress        scc-tsm-sb03.scc.kit.edu
  commmethod              tcpip
  passwordaccess          generate
*inclexcl                /usr/local/tsm/backup.inclexcl
  schedlogretention       32 d
  errorlogretention       32 d
  resourceutilization     1
servername      hpsscr_backup
  nodename        scc-hpsscr
  domain /varhpss /hpss_src /db2_backup1 /db2_backup2 /db2_logarchived1 /db2_logarchived2 /optdb2 /varhpssdb
  tcpport                 1503
  tcpserveraddress        scc-tsm-sb03.scc.kit.edu
  commmethod              tcpip
  passwordaccess          generate
*inclexcl                /usr/local/tsm/backup.inclexcl
  schedlogretention       32 d
  errorlogretention       32 d
  resourceutilization     1

TSM useful

List backup file systems made by TSM:
[root@hpsscr02 db2_backup1]#dsmc q fi -se=hpsscr_backup

List all active backup files in a directory:
[root@hpsscr02 db2_backup1]#dsmc q ba /db2_backup1/hghi/ -se=hpsscr_backup

List all backup files in a directory (active and inactive):
[root@hpsscr02 db2_backup1]#dsmc q ba -ina /db2_backup1/hghi/ -se=hpsscr_backup

Restore a file with its original path in another directory:
[root@hpsscr02 db2_backup1]#dsmc restore /db2_backup1/hghi/HGHI.0.hpssdb.DBPART000.20160705040006.001 /tmp/ -se=hpsscr_backup
The restored file will be put in /tmp/hghi/HGHI.0.hpssdb.DBPART000.20160705040006.001

Restore a file without its original path in another directory:
[root@hpsscr02 db2_backup1]#dsmc restore /db2_backup1/hghi/HGHI.0.hpssdb.DBPART000.20160705040006.001 /tmp/ -se=hpsscr_backup -preservepath=nobase
The restored file will be put in /tmp/HGHI.0.hpssdb.DBPART000.20160705040006.001

Restore a file in its original location:
[root@hpsscr02 db2_backup1]#dsmc restore /db2_backup1/hghi/HGHI.0.hpssdb.DBPART000.20160705040006.001 -se=hpsscr_backup
The restored file will be put in /db2_backup1/hghi/HGHI.0.hpssdb.DBPART000.20160705040006.001

For more complicated restores read TSM BAUser'sGuide or ask SCC-TSM-Team