hidden:Redirect local root mail to an external email address on HPSS servers

From Lsdf
Revision as of 16:55, 20 January 2017 by Ahmad (talk | contribs)

Redirect local root mail to an external email address on HPSS servers

1. Check if "postfix" bzw. sendmail mail server is already installed.

Notice: on RHEL Hosts postfix is already installed but on SL hosts its sendmail.

# service postfix status

# yum install postfix (On HPSS Server it was already installed and running)

2. Edit /etc/aliases

root: hpss-admin@lists.kit.edu

4. Run command on shell:

# newaliases

5. Restart mail server

# service postfix restart

6. Test

#echo "Hello from hpsscr01." | mail -s "hpsscr01 email-test-message" root

Relaying Emails through another Server

1. use scc-mailin-cn-01.scc.kit.edu as the remote mailserver on which I have a valid email account with the username and password.