hidden:Ansible on hpa

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Ansible (on github) is a configuration manager that requires no software installation on the target hosts and can run along side existing configuration programs like puppet, cfengine etc... Only ssh access from server to client is required. RedHat has adopted Ansible as its configuration egine.

The Ansible directory on hpa is: /root/Ansible.

The ansible configuration system uses playbooks at the top level. Playbooks contain plays, plays consist of tasks and tasks call modules. The modules are the core of ansible. These are ready made functions that can setup the network, copy files, install software etc. You can find the catalog of modules here. Everything runs strict step by step except handlers. Tasks can trigger handlers. Handlers run at the end, once.

To become familiar with ansible here are a few examples.

  • 1
  • 2

The following playbooks are available on hpa

  • update automount files
  • update rsyslog.conf files

Installation log

Add the epel repo to the list of repos

 # rpm -iUvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epelrelease-7-5.noarch.rpm

Run an update check

 # yum update

Install Ansible (on hpa this installed ansible and 12 dependencies most notable a bunch of python packages

 #  yum install ansible

Ansible normally lives out of /etc. I have changed the location of the ansible files to /root/Ansible using a symlink in /etc/