hidden:Upgrade Test System from 7.4.2 to 7.4.3p1
1. Stop HPSS
/opt/hpss/bin/hpssadm.pl -U hpssssm -a /var/hpss/etc/hpss.unix.keytab hpssadm> server shutdown -all /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss -d stop /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss -m stop
2. Stop DB2 /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss stop [root@hpsstcr03 /]# ps -ef | grep -i db2
root 4306 1 0 Sep29 ? 00:08:32 /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/bin/db2fmcd
3. DB2 offline backup
[root@hpsstcr03 ~]# su - hpssdb -bash-4.1$ . /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile
Start only db2 in order to take an offline backup
-bash-4.1$ db2start -bash-4.1$ db2 backup db hcfg to /db2_backup/offline/hcfg compress Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20141218114347 -bash-4.1$ db2 backup db hsubsys1 to /db2_backup/offline/hsubsys1 compress Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20141218114500
NOTICE for the productive core server
db2 backup db hcfg to /db2_backup1/offline/hcfg compress db2 backup db hsubsys1 to /db2_backup1/offline/hsubsys1 compress db2 backup db hghi to /db2_backup1/offline/hghi compress
4. Stop DB2
-bash-4.1$ db2stop
5. HPSS Upgrade 5.1 Prequisites
SEE THE FIRST UPGRADE KIT HowTo "Upgrade_Testsystem_from_742_To_743.txt" for more details
BEGIN NOTICE for productive core, it has to be done on the productive system 1.[root@hpsstcr03 hpss-7.4.3]# rpm -qa| grep -i hpss hpss-mvr-7.4.2-1.el6.x86_64 hpss-lib-7.4.2-1.el6.x86_64 hpss-core-7.4.2-1.el6.x86_64 hpss-clnt-7.4.2-1.el6.x86_64 hpss-doc-7.4.2-1.el6.x86_64 2. cd /root/Software/HPSS/hpss-7.4.3 3. turn off ASLR [root@hpsstcr03 hpss-7.4.3]# grep kernel.randomize_va_space /etc/sysctl.conf vi /etc/sysctl.conf kernel.randomize_va_space = 0 4. REBOOT 5. [root@hpsstcr03 yum.repos.d]# yum-config-manager --enable rhel-6-server-rpms [root@hpsstcr03 yum.repos.d]# yum list llibtirpc [root@hpsstcr03 yum.repos.d]# yum update libtirpc.x86_64 INSTALLED form rpm: http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6x/x86_64/os/Packages/ [root@hpsstcr03 Addon_Packages]# rpm -Uvh libtirpc-devel-0.2.1-10.el6.x86_64.rpm libtirpc-0.2.1-10.el6.x86_64.rpm [root@hpsstcr03 hpss]# yum install perl-DBI.x86_64 wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.84.tar.gz [root@hpsstcr03 Addon_Packages]# tar -zxvf DBD-DB2-1.84.tar.gz [root@hpsstcr03 DBD-DB2-1.84]# perl Makefile.PL [root@hpsstcr03 DBD-DB2-1.84]# make [root@hpsstcr03 DBD-DB2-1.84]# make install END NOTICE for productive core
5.2 HPSS RPMs upgrade
[root@hpsstcr03 7.4.3p1-Final]# rpm -Uvh hpss-lib- hpss-core-
hpss-clnt- hpss-mvr- hpss-doc-
rm /opt/hpss ln -s /hpss_src/hpss- /opt/hpss
5.3 DB2 conversion (conversion guide 9.5.4)
Start DB2 [root@hpsstcr03 DBD-DB2-1.84]# su - hpssdb -bash-4.1$ . /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile -bash-4.1$ db2start 11/21/2014 17:59:16 0 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful. SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful. exit (from user hpssdb)
As root:
[root@hpsstcr03 DBD-DB2-1.84]# source /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile [root@hpsstcr03 DBD-DB2-1.84]# /opt/hpss/tools/convert743/hpss/hpss_convertdb743 cnvt> quit
Check results:
[root@hpsstcr03 ~]# cat /etc/group | grep hpsssrv hpsssrvr:x:301:hpss [root@hpsstcr03 ~]# ll /var/hpss/etc | grep autz [root@hpsstcr03 ~]# ll /var/hpss/etc | grep auth -rw-r--r-- 1 hpss hpss 232 Oct 21 14:00 auth.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 225 Nov 21 18:01 authz.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 hpss hpss 224 Oct 21 14:00 authz.conf.orig [root@hpsstcr03 ~]# cat /var/hpss/etc/authz.conf # # # HPSS Authorization Service Registry Definitions # # library function /opt/hpss/lib/libhpssldapauthz.so ldap_SECInitialize /opt/hpss/lib/libhpssunixauthz.so unix_SECInitialize
cnvt> pam_hpsssrv [ setting up PAM config ] [ using system HPSS passwords ] /var/hpss/etc/authz.conf has already been modified. cnvt> quit
The file /var/hpss/etc/authz.conf was wrong Question for productive system: Has to be done a upgrade first?
[root@hpsstcr03 etc]# /opt/hpss/bin/hpss_server_acl hsa> acl -m hsa> choose PVL hsa> add user hpsscore c hsa>quit (Conversion Guide 9.5.6) source /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile /opt/hpss/tools/convert743/hpss/hpss_convertdb743 cnvt> db cfg CFG> count all Table Name Number of Rows --------------- --------------- SERVERINTERFACES 16 GLOBAL 1 CORE 1 CFG> convert all CFG> count all Table Name Number of Rows --------------- --------------- SERVERINTERFACES 16 GLOBAL 1 CORE 1 CFG> state Table Name Conversion State Table/Index Space --------------- --------------- ------------------------- SERVERINTERFACES CLEANUP USERSPACE1/USERSPACE1 GLOBAL CLEANUP USERSPACE1/USERSPACE1 CORE CLEANUP USERSPACE1/USERSPACE1 CFG> close cnvt> quit
'Conversion Guide 9.5.7. Convert the SUBSYS Databases
[root@hpsstcr03 HPSS]# /opt/hpss/bin/hpss_managetables hmt> db subsys1 Deleting BFMIGRRECBITFILEVIEW Failed to delete view BFMIGRRECBITFILEVIEW: RC: -2001, Failed to execute statement (mm_execute.c, line 686) ---Handle 65538--- DB error rc = -1 reported from SQLExecute, mm_execute.c: near line 683 SQLSTATE: 42501 Native Error Code: -551 [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0551N The statement failed because the authorization ID does not have the required authorization or privilege
to perform the operation. Authorization ID: "HPSS". Operation: "DROP VIEW". Object: "HPSS.BFMIGRRECBITFILEVIEW". SQLSTATE=42501 hmt> quit
Grant control:
su - hpssdb . /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile -bash-4.1$ db2 connect to hsubsys1 -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table hpss.STORAGESEGDISKVIEW to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table hpss.STORAGESEGTAPEVIEW to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table hpss.VVDISKVIEW to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table hpss.VVTAPEVIEW to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table hpss.VVTAPEMAPVIEW to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table hpss.BFMIGRRECBITFILEVIEW to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. -bash-4.1$ db2 grant control on table HPSS.SSPVHISTORY to user hpss DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
source /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile /opt/hpss/bin/hpss_managetables hmt> db subsys1 hmt> del subsys views hmt> del subsys constraints hmt> commit hmt> quit
Conversion guide9.5.7.2. use hpss_convertdb743 to convert the SUBSYS
/opt/hpss/tools/convert743/hpss/hpss_convertdb743 cnvt> db subsys1 SUBSYS1> count all SUBSYS1> state SUBSYS1> convert all SUBSYS1> count all SUBSYS1> state SUBSYS1> quit
Conversion Guide Use hpss_managetables to add SUBSYS views
[root@hpsstcr03 HPSS]# /opt/hpss/bin/hpss_managetables hmt> db subsys1 hmt> add subsys views hmt> add subsys constraints hmt> add indexes vvdisk hmt> add indexes vvtape hmt> commit hmt> quit
DB2 backup
[root@hpsstcr03 HPSS]# db2 backup db hcfg to /db2_backup/offline/hcfg compress [root@hpsstcr03 HPSS]# db2 backup db hsubsys1 to /db2_backup/offline/hsubsys1 compress
Conversion guide 9.5.10. Cleanup the Global Database
/opt/hpss/tools/convert743/hpss/hpss_convertdb743 cnvt> db cfg CFG> state CFG> db subsys1 SUBSYS1> cleanup all SUBSYS1> state SUBSYS1> quit
DB2 Stop:
su - hpssdb . /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile db2stop
Start HPSS as root
/opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss start /opt/hpss/bin/hpssadm.pl -U hpssssm -a /var/hpss/etc/hpss.unix.keytab server start -all