HPSS User Access to bwDataArchiv with SFTP

From Lsdf

  • 1. Firstly, you have to register for bwDataArchive. If you already did it jump to step 2.
   If not, please do it using  https://www.rda.kit.edu/bwDA/
  • 2. Log in to bwDataArchive Frontend machines using your bwDataArchive account: sftp bwDataArchiveAccount@archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu

[root@scc-sdm-dl-lt01-sl ~]# sftp k23@archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu
Connecting to archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu...
k23@archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu's password: 
sftp> ls -l
drwx------    4 k23      12345         512 Nov 23 16:51 private
sftp> cd private
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /private
Currently you are allowed to put data only into your private directory