LSDF Online Storage: WebDAV
WebDAV or Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allowing to access files over the internet. WebDAV access to the LSDF Online Storage is provided via a cluster of servers reachable at the address
Using WebDAV from a Web Browser
To access the starting page enter the following URL in your web browser
Project directories are accessible at the usual location:<OE>/projects/<PROJECTNAME>
where <OE>
is the name of your organizational unit, e.g. scc, and
ist the name of the project.
Your home directory is accessible at the following URL:<OE>/<USERNAME>/
where <USERNAME>
is you KIT username.
Using WebDAV on Linux
davfs2 is a file system driver that allows mounting a WebDAV server as a local file system, like a disk drive. This way, applications can access resources on a WebDAV server without knowing anything about HTTP or WebDAV. davfs2 does extensive caching to make the file system responsive, to avoid unnecessary network traffic and to prevent data loss, and to cope for slow or unreliable connections.
On CentOS or RedHat like systems install the package davfs2 which is available in the epel repository:
$ yum install -y epel-release $ yum install davfs2
To mount an LSDF WebDAV share issue the following command as root:
$ mkdir /mnt/webdav mount.davfs /mnt/webdav >/dev/null 2>&1 Please enter the username to authenticate with server or hit enter for none. Username: xy1234 Please enter the password to authenticate user fg9068 with server or hit enter for none. Password:
$ mount.davfs -o username=xy1234,uid=xxx,gid=yyy,rw /mnt/webdav
WebDAV mount check:
>df | grep webdav 26666664 13333332 13333332 50% /mnt/webdav
Mount WebDAV share using fstab
>cat /etc/fstab | grep webdav /mnt/webdav davfs rw,noauto,user,uid=xy1234 0 0 >mkdir /mnt/webdav >cat /etc/davfs2/secrets | grep os-webdav xy1234 *** >mount /mnt/webdav >/dev/null 2>&1
WebDAV umount:
>umount.davfs /mnt/webdav
davfs2 makes mounting by unprivileged users as easy and secure as possible.
User must be a member of the davfs2 group:
>usermod -a -G davfs2 xy1234 >grep davfs2 /etc/group
>cat /etc/fstab | grep webdav /mnt/webdav davfs rw,noauto,user,uid=xy1234 0 0 >chmod 600 /lsdf/kit/inst/xy1234/.davfs2/secrets >cat /lsdf/kit/inst/xy1234/.davfs2/secrets | grep os-webdav xy1234 *** >mount /mnt/webdav >/dev/null 2>&1 >umount /mnt/webdav umount: /mnt/webdav: umount failed: Operation not permitted
You can mount the above-mentioned WebDAV share using sudo utility.
WebDAV client cadaver
cadaver is a command-line WebDAV client, with support for file upload, download, on-screen display, in-place editing, namespace operations (move/copy), collection creation and deletion, property manipulation, and resource locking.
yum install cadaver
cadaver dav:/kit/inst/xy1234/> help Available commands: Available commands: ls cd pwd put get mget mput edit less mkcol cat delete rmcol copy move lock unlock discover steal showlocks version checkin checkout uncheckout history label propnames chexec propget propdel propset search set open close echo quit unset lcd lls lpwd logout help describe about Aliases: rm=delete, mkdir=mkcol, mv=move, cp=copy, more=less, quit=exit=bye
Connection via File Manager
- Nautilus (Gnome)
- Kubuntu (Dolphin/Konqueror) (KDE)
- Xubuntu (Thunar) (Xfce)
- Lubuntu (PCManFM)
Using WebDAV on Windows
Add network address
Example: Computer => Add network address => Continue =>
Network drive over WebDAV
>net use * /user:xy1234 Laufwerk W: ist jetzt mit verbunden. Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt. or >net use * \\\ /user:xy1234 ...