Migration of the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline into Gitlab CI/CD
The goal of the DEEP Hybrid DataCloud project [1] is to prepare a new generation of e- Infrastructures that harness latest generation technologies, supporting deep learning and other intensive computing techniques to exploit very large data sources. In order to ease and lower the entry barrier for non-skilled scientists, DEEP offers DevOps approach to its users based on Jenkins CI/CD pipeline. Aim of the student project is to migrate existing Jenkins CI/CD pipeline into Gitlab CI/CD.
- get acquanted with Jenkins and declarative CI/CD pipeline [2]. - understand Gitlab CI/CD pipeline and its features [3] - understand Docker container technology [4-5] - migrate existing Jenkins pipeline into Gitlab CI/CD
- understanding of CI/CD - ideally you have knowledge of Docker containers, Jenkins declarative pipeline/Jenkinsfile structure, yaml, Gitlab CI/CD
[1] https://deep-hybrid-datacloud.eu [2] https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/ [3] https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines.html [4] https://www.docker.com [5] https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/