hidden:Replace a tape drive in HPSS

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Replace a tape drive in HPSS

1. log-in on core
2. call hpss gui: /opt/hpss/bin/hpssgui.pl &
3. Select Device/Drive List (if necessary choose preferency "Movers(tape)")
4. select the drive to be replaced
5. set "locked" the drive to be replaced: Device Administration-->Lock and Drive Administration-->Lock
6. drive is ready for replacing
7. replace the drive in the tape library
8. Reactivate the replaced drive in hpss
8.1 Show the drive configuration in hpss gui:

Select the drive
Choose Configure
Read field "Drive Address" x,y,z,t

8.2. Reconfigure acsls 

log-in on acsls mashine
call cmd_proc 
cmd_proc -ql
ACSSA> display drive * -f serial_num

9.3.  reconfigure the drive in acsls
config drive x,y,z
Drive id    Old Type         New Type         chg Drive Serial Number
  --------    --------         --------         -----------------------
  0           T1D              unchanged         *  579004007294
9. reconfigure the drive in hpss
change filed configure-->Device Name-->Update
10. unlock the drive in hpss
Devices and Drives-->select the drive
Device Administration-->Unlock
Drive Administration-->Unlock
Read filed  "Mover" "that is the mover the drive is connected to"
7.2 log-in on the mover shown on step 7.1
7.2 ls -l /dev/hpss

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