HPSS Frontends setup

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Hosts that will run the hpss client/API must have several packages and files installed.

Required Package

Lots of packages can be found in the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository. Better to install it.

   # yum install epel-release

For HPSS also needed:

   # yum install ksh
   # yum install libtirpc libtirpc-devel

HPSS Software download


Path to rpms: HPSS Admin Wiki -> docs -> rpms -> <release>


Don't update hpss software, to keep old rpms. Always use rpm -i Option and not -U.

Create a hpss group

    # groupadd -g 300 hpss


   # rpm -ivh hpss-lib-
   # rpm -ivh hpss-lib-devel-
   # rpm -ivh hpss-clnt-
   # rpm -ivh hpss-doc-


Remove old /opt/hpss link if exists

   # rm /opt/hpss

Create new soft link

   # ln -s /hpss_src/hpss- /opt/hpss

Configuration files in /var/hpss/etc

Copy ONLY needed files from core server or other frontend/client hosts.

   # ls /var/hpss/etc
   auth.conf  authz.conf  env.conf  ep.conf  hpss.unix.keytab  site.conf

Adapt /var/hpss/etc/env.conf

   # HPSS_API_HOSTNAME=<hostname of this frontend/client host>

The contents of the file HPSS.conf can be used to set options for PFTP and other clients (e.g. scrub). It's a common place for settings that are grouped in stanzas. Setting network params for WAN connections is done here.


Since the HPSS Server Nodes are not in KIT DNS the /etc/hosts file on the Frontend host should be adapted like follows:

   # HPSS Production Hosts, Data Network    hpss.lsdf.kit.edu hpss hpsscr.lsdf.kit.edu hpsscr    hpsscr01.lsdf.kit.edu hpsscr01 hpsscr01-d    hpsscr02.lsdf.kit.edu hpsscr02 hpsscr02-d   hpssmvr01.lsdf.kit.edu hpssmvr01 hpssmvr01-d   hpssmvr02.lsdf.kit.edu hpssmvr02 hpssmvr02-d   hpssmvr03.lsdf.kit.edu hpssmvr03 hpssmvr03-d    hpssmvr04.lsdf.kit.edu hpssmvr04 hpssmvr04-d 
   # HPSS Test system   hpsstcr03.lsdf.kit.edu hpsstcr03 hpsstcr03-d   hpsstmvr.lsdf.kit.edu hpsstmvr hpsstmvr-d

User Keytab

A User keytab file must be copied into the user directory and have minimal permissions

   # -rw------- 1 <user> <group> <user>.unix.keytab

the following global variable can be used to direct clients to the keytab

   # export HPSS_UNIX_KEYTAB_FILE=/home/jvw/HPSS/jvw.unix.keytab

TODO: If the frontend/client is outside the LSDF-KIT network, which ports to open to core and movers?