hidden:Remote Access
Hardware resets
Use the ipmitool from any other system for example from the jumphost. Graphical access is not necessary.
ipmitool -H HOST -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus power cycle
where HOST is the hostname from the IMM interface from the IP numbers list. For example:
ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus power cycle
Graphical Interface
I think the NX client is the securest, performanced and best way to access a server from a remote site. We used it also on other customer sites. You must use a ssh tunnel between you and the jump host. (this is a tunnel to the mover4 ( - change it to the host you want)
ssh -L 2222: -l <USERID> scc-cn-r164-l.scc.kit.edu
Then use the NX client 3.5.0.x to connect to the system over the tunnel
NXclient - > configure --> host localhost port 2222
The client package for Linux is available on the systems in the /root/Software/nx directory.
As userid you should use your own ID because of the suspended sessions an different configurations that someone want. Pls add a user by yourself. You can test the access with ssh
ssh -p 2222 USERID@localhost
Secure Shell
Use the "Jumphost" scc-cn-r164-l.scc.kit.edu with your KIT account. You have to be in the group "lsdf-admins". SSH Port 22.