hidden:Starting and Stopping HPSS

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Stopping the HPSS services

Stop HPSS using the hpss command line

1.Start the command line on the core server and stop all server 
1.1. [root@hpsstcr03 scripts]# /opt/hpss/bin/hpssadm.pl -U hpssssm -a /var/hpss/etc/hpss.unix.keytab
hpssadm> server shutdown -all
hpssadm> server list -all
ID  Status     Type   Subtype  Subsystem  Op State  Server Name                 Host                    Execute Host  UUID                                  
0  Connected  SSMSM                      Enabled   SSM System Manager          hpsstcr03.lsdf.kit.edu  hpsstcr03     264216ec-0752-11e4-9b61-40f2e9724ad2  
1  Connected  SUD                        Enabled   Startup Daemon (hpsstcr03)  hpsstcr03.lsdf.kit.edu  hpsstcr03     58cea534-0767-11e4-8c5a-40f2e9724ad2  
hpssadm> quit
1.2.Stop startup daemon
root@hpsstcr03 scripts]# /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss -d stop
1.3.Stop system manager
root@hpsstcr03 scripts]# /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss -m stop
2.Stop the database' 
2.1.[root@hpsstcr03 scripts]# /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss stop
SQL1064N  DB2STOP processing was successful.

Stopping is done in two steps. First in the GUI all activity is to be stopped. Then run the hpss_deactivate_node script.

- 1 open the HPSS GUI on the active Core-Server (hpsscr)

  [root@hpsscr ~]# /opt/hpss/bin/hpssgui.pl &

- 2 click on Operations --> Shutdown --> All Non-SSM Servers - 3 then Operations --> Shutdown --> System Manager

Then stop the daemons and database:


Starting the HPSS services

Run the hpss_activate_node script, then start the processes in the GUI.

[root@hpsscr ~]# /opt/hpss/bin/hpssgui.pl &

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