hidden:Backup with Relax-and-Recover

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IBM,Jonathan had installed Relax-and-Recover an all HPSS machines but it has been configured only on HPSS Test Core and HPSS Test Mover
Dorin deployed it on all HPSS machines and installed and configured it on all front end machines on 11.07.2016
Dorin changed the mount point for raer backups 
since the hpss mover 4 has no 141. IP it is not able to mount the gpfs file system
rear makes every day an bare metal backup and keeps only one version on the mounted nfs file system
a TSM backup will be configured for hpa and the "rear backups" will be archived in tsm so that more versions will be keeped

1. Backup with Relax-and-recover a HPSS Mover