Changing LACP timeout
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How to change the LACP Timeout?
Here are Steps how to change the the LACP timeout from 3 sec to 30 sec as requested by the NET department at KIT-SCC.
With this change now all-HPSS Hosts have the same timeout setting as the SCC-Switches.
Changes done by Jonathan Hermann (IBM) on 5.11.2014.
1. Backup ifcfg-bond0 file ssh_all "cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0.20141105" 2. set lacp_rate=0 ssh_all "sed -i 's/lacp_rate=1/lacp_rate=0/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0" 3. restart all network interfaces used in the bonding Since the interfaces used for the bond0 are different on cores and movers, be careful using ssh_all commands! Example from hpssmvr04: [root@hpssmvr04 ~]# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0 |grep 'Slave Interface' Slave Interface: eth0 Slave Interface: eth1 Slave Interface: eth6 Slave Interface: eth7 So on hpssmvr04, issue the following commands: ifdown bond0 ifdown eth0 ifdown eth1 ifdown eth6 ifdown eth7 ifup eth0 ifup eth1 ifup eth6 ifup eth7 ifup bond0 Only then the change in LACP rate will become active.