Spectra Logic

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D3 REST interface from Spectra

Spectra Logic names its REST interface to Black Pearl storage D3. D3 is available in 3 API's: Java, C and .NET. An additional Java API exists to go directly from HADOOP to D3. They also have a CLI to talk D3 from the command line. I have copied the C header below for reference.

The code comes from Spectra and is not public (yet).

 * ******************************************************************************
 *   Copyright 2014 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
 *   this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *   or in the "license" file accompanying this file.
 *   This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 *   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 *   specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * ****************************************************************************

#ifndef __DS3_HEADER__
#define __DS3_HEADER__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// For windows DLL symbol exports.
#ifdef _WIN32
#        define LIBRARY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#    else
#        define LIBRARY_API __declspec(dllimport)
#    endif
#    define LIBRARY_API

typedef enum {
    False, True

typedef enum {

typedef enum {

typedef enum {
    PUT, GET

typedef enum {

typedef enum {

typedef struct{
    char* value;
    size_t size;

ds3_str* ds3_str_init(const char* string);
char* ds3_str_value(const ds3_str* string);
size_t ds3_str_size(const ds3_str* string);
void ds3_str_free(ds3_str* string);

typedef struct {
    ds3_str* access_id;
    ds3_str* secret_key;

typedef struct {
    ds3_str*    endpoint;
    ds3_str*    proxy;
    uint64_t    num_redirects;
    ds3_creds*  creds; 

typedef struct _ds3_request ds3_request;

typedef struct {
    ds3_str* creation_date;
    ds3_str* name;

typedef struct {
    ds3_str*    name;
    ds3_str*    id;

typedef struct {
    ds3_str*    name;
    ds3_str*    etag;
    uint64_t    size;
    ds3_owner*  owner;
    ds3_str*    last_modified;
    ds3_str*    storage_class;

typedef struct {
    ds3_bucket* buckets;
    size_t      num_buckets;
    ds3_owner*  owner;

typedef struct {
    ds3_object* objects;
    size_t      num_objects;
    ds3_str*    creation_date;
    ds3_bool    is_truncated;
    ds3_str*    marker;
    ds3_str*    delimiter;
    uint32_t    max_keys;
    ds3_str*    name;
    ds3_str*    next_marker;
    ds3_str*    prefix;
    ds3_str**   common_prefixes;
    uint64_t    num_common_prefixes;

typedef struct {
    ds3_str*    name;
    uint64_t    length;
    uint64_t    offset;
    ds3_bool    in_cache;

typedef struct {
    ds3_bulk_object*  list;
    uint64_t          size;
    uint64_t          chunk_number;
    ds3_str*          server_id;
    ds3_str*          chunk_id;

typedef struct {
    ds3_str*                bucket_name;
    uint64_t                cached_size_in_bytes;
    ds3_chunk_ordering      chuck_order;
    uint64_t                completed_size_in_bytes;
    ds3_str*                job_id;
    uint64_t                original_size_in_bytes;
    ds3_job_priority        priority;
    ds3_job_request_type    request_type;
    ds3_str*                start_date;
    ds3_str*                user_id;
    ds3_str*                user_name;
    ds3_write_optimization  write_optimization;
    ds3_bulk_object_list**  list;
    size_t                  list_size;

typedef enum {

typedef struct {
    uint64_t  status_code;
    ds3_str*  status_message;
    ds3_str*  error_body;

typedef struct {
    ds3_error_code      code;
    ds3_str*            message;
    ds3_error_response* error;

LIBRARY_API ds3_creds* ds3_create_creds(const char* access_id, const char* secret_key);
LIBRARY_API ds3_client* ds3_create_client(const char* endpoint, ds3_creds* creds);

LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_get_service(void);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_get_bucket(const char* bucket_name);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_get_object(const char* bucket_name, const char* object_name);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_put_bucket(const char* bucket_name);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_put_object(const char* bucket_name, const char* object_name, uint64_t size);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_delete_bucket(const char* bucket_name);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_delete_object(const char* bucket_name, const char* object_name);

LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_put_bulk(const char* bucket_name, ds3_bulk_object_list* object_list);
LIBRARY_API ds3_request* ds3_init_get_bulk(const char* bucket_name, ds3_bulk_object_list* object_list);

LIBRARY_API void ds3_client_proxy(ds3_client* client, const char* proxy);

LIBRARY_API void ds3_request_set_prefix(ds3_request* request, const char* prefix);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_request_set_delimiter(ds3_request* request, const char* delimiter);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_request_set_next_marker(ds3_request* request, const char* next_marker);

LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_get_service(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request, ds3_get_service_response** response);
LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_get_bucket(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request, ds3_get_bucket_response** response);
LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_bulk(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request, ds3_bulk_response** response);

LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_put_bucket(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request);
LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_delete_bucket(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request);
LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_get_object(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request, void* user_data, size_t (* callback)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*));
LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_put_object(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request, void* user_data, size_t (* callback)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*));
LIBRARY_API ds3_error* ds3_delete_object(const ds3_client* client, const ds3_request* request);

LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_service_response(ds3_get_service_response* response);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_bucket_response(ds3_get_bucket_response* response);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_bulk_response(ds3_bulk_response* response);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_error(ds3_error* error);

LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_owner(ds3_owner* owner);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_creds(ds3_creds* client);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_client(ds3_client* client);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_request(ds3_request* request);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_cleanup(void);

LIBRARY_API void ds3_print_request(const ds3_request* request);
// provided helpers
LIBRARY_API size_t ds3_write_to_file(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* user_data);
LIBRARY_API size_t ds3_read_from_file(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* user_data);

LIBRARY_API ds3_bulk_object_list * ds3_convert_file_list(const char** file_list, uint64_t num_files);
LIBRARY_API void ds3_free_bulk_object_list(ds3_bulk_object_list* object_list);

#ifdef __cplusplus