Relational and non-relational databases

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drop table owns;
drop table product;
drop table pet;
drop table human;

create table human (name varchar(255) primary key, age integer);

create table pet (name varchar(255) primary key, age integer, owner varchar(255) references human(name));

insert into human values ('alice', 23);
insert into human values ('bob', 22);
insert into human values ('charlie', 21);
insert into human values ('dave', 24);
insert into human values ('eve', 25);

insert into pet values ('fido', 8, 'alice');
insert into pet values ('chuck', 1, 'alice');
insert into pet values ('snuffles', 12, 'dave');
insert into pet values ('truffles', 3, 'eve');

select,, p.age from human h, pet p where = p.owner;

create table product(name varchar(255) primary key, cost integer);
insert into product values ('toothbrush', 12);
insert into product values ('towel', 22);
insert into product values ('magazine', 45);

create table owns(human varchar(255) references human(name), product varchar(255) references product(name), primary key (human, product));

insert into owns values ('alice', 'toothbrush');
insert into owns values ('alice', 'towel');
insert into owns values ('bob', 'toothbrush');
insert into owns values ('charlie', 'towel');
insert into owns values ('dave', 'towel');
insert into owns values ('dave', 'magazine');

select,, p.cost from human h, product p, owns o where and;

create table dl_test (id integer);

insert into dl_test values (1);
insert into dl_test values (2);


begin transaction;


begin transaction;


update dl_test set id=100 where id=1;


update dl_test set id=200 where id=2;


update dl_test set id=2000 where id=2;


update dl_test set id=1000 where id=1;





import sys
import random
import uuid
import time

import psycopg2

NR_OF_ROWS = 1000000

# connect to the database and set transaction level to autocommit
p_con = psycopg2.connect('host=localhost user=student password=student dbname=student')
p_con.set_isolation_level(0)  # 0 (AUTOCOMMIT), 1 (READ COMMIT), 3 (SERIALIZE)

# get cursor
p_cur = p_con.cursor()

# drop old tables if they exist, ignore otherwise
try: p_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")
except: pass

# create table and enable transactions
p_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE large_table (l CHAR, s VARCHAR(255), n INTEGER)")

# insert random data
time_start = time.time()
for i in xrange(NR_OF_ROWS):
    p_cur.execute("INSERT INTO large_table VALUES ('%s', '%s', %i)" % (chr(random.randrange(65, 91)),
                                                                       ''.join([chr(random.randrange(65, 91)) for i in xrange(1,16)]),
print 'insert', time.time()-time_start

# query plans

p_cur.execute("ANALYZE large_table")

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM large_table")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE l='A'")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE s='ASDFGH'")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE n=3")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE l='A' AND n=3")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE l='A' AND s='ASDF' AND n=3")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

time_start = time.time()
p_cur.execute("CREATE INDEX idxu_large_table_lsn ON large_table(l, s, n)")
print 'index', time.time()-time_start

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM large_table")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE l='A'")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE s='ASDFGH'")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE n=3")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE l='A' AND n=3")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

p_cur.execute("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE l='A' AND s='ASDF' AND n=3")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

# close everything


import uuid
import time

import sqlite3
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
import psycopg2

NR_OF_ROWS = 100

# connect to the database and set transaction level to autocommit
s_con = sqlite3.connect(database='/tmp/student.db', isolation_level='DEFERRED')  # None, 'DEFERRED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'EXCLUSIVE'

m_con = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='student', passwd='student', db='student', cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
m_con.autocommit(False)  # True, False

p_con = psycopg2.connect('host=localhost user=student password=student dbname=student')
p_con.set_isolation_level(0)  # 0 (AUTOCOMMIT), 1 (READ COMMIT), 3 (SERIALIZE)

# get cursor
s_cur = s_con.cursor()
m_cur = m_con.cursor()
p_cur = p_con.cursor()

# drop old tables if they exist, ignore otherwise
try: s_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")
except: pass
try: m_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")
except: pass
try: p_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")
except: pass

# create table
s_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE large_table (id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY)")
m_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE large_table (id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY) Engine=InnoDB")
p_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE large_table (id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY)")

# insert lots of rows and measure
print 'sqlite:',
time_start = time.time()
for i in xrange(NR_OF_ROWS):
    s_cur.execute("INSERT INTO large_table(id) VALUES (?)", (str(uuid.uuid4()),))
print time.time()-time_start

print 'mysql:',
time_start = time.time()
for i in xrange(NR_OF_ROWS):
    m_cur.execute("INSERT INTO large_table(id) VALUES (%s)", (str(uuid.uuid4()),))
print time.time()-time_start

print 'postgresql:',
time_start = time.time()
for i in xrange(NR_OF_ROWS):
    p_cur.execute("INSERT INTO large_table(id) VALUES (%s)", (str(uuid.uuid4()),))
print time.time()-time_start

# drop table
s_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")
m_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")
p_cur.execute("DROP TABLE large_table")

# close everything


import sqlite3

import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors

import psycopg2

# connect to the database and set transaction level to autocommit
s_con = sqlite3.connect(database='/tmp/student.db', isolation_level=None)  # None, 'DEFERRED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'EXCLUSIVE'

m_con = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='student', passwd='student', db='student', cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
m_con.autocommit(True)  # True, False

p_con = psycopg2.connect('host=localhost user=student password=student dbname=student')
p_con.set_isolation_level(0)  # 0 (AUTOCOMMIT), 1 (READ COMMIT), 3 (SERIALIZE)

# get cursor
s_cur = s_con.cursor()
m_cur = m_con.cursor()
p_cur = p_con.cursor()

# drop old tables if they exist, ignore otherwise
try: s_cur.execute("DROP TABLE test_table")
except: pass
try: m_cur.execute("DROP TABLE test_table")
except: pass
try: p_cur.execute("DROP TABLE test_table")
except: pass

# create table
s_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(255))")
m_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(255)) Engine=InnoDB")                                                                                                                                          
p_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(255))")                                                                                                                                                        
# insert data                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
s_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (0, 'my first value')")                                                                                                                                                              
s_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (1, 'my second value')")                                                                                                                                                             
s_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (2, 'my second value')")                                                                                                                                                             
m_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (0, 'my first value')")                                                                                                                                                              
m_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (1, 'my second value')")                                                                                                                                                             
m_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (2, 'my second value')")                                                                                                                                                             
p_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (0, 'my first value')")                                                                                                                                                              
p_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (1, 'my second value')")                                                                                                                                                             
p_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_table(id, value) VALUES (2, 'my second value')")                                                                                                                                                             
# selecting data (everything)                                                                                                                                                                                                                
print 'sqlite'                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
s_cur.execute("SELECT id, value FROM test_table")                                                                                                                                                                                            
print s_cur.fetchall()                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
print 'mysql'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
m_cur.execute("SELECT id, value FROM test_table")                                                                                                                                                                                            
print m_cur.fetchall()                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
print 'postgresql'
p_cur.execute("SELECT id, value FROM test_table")
print p_cur.fetchall()

# selecting data (iteratively)
print 'sqlite'
s_cur.execute("SELECT id, value FROM test_table")
for row in s_cur:
    print row

print 'mysql'
m_cur.execute("SELECT id, value FROM test_table")
for row in m_cur:
    print row

print 'postgresql'
p_cur.execute("SELECT id, value FROM test_table")
for row in p_cur:
    print row

# close everything



import sqlite3                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
import MySQLdb                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
import psycopg2                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
s_con = sqlite3.connect(database='/home/username/student.db')                                                                                                                                                                                          
m_con = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='student', passwd='student', db='student')                                                                                                                                                  
p_con = psycopg2.connect('host=localhost user=student password=student dbname=student')                                                                                                                                                      


ssh <username>@<host> -p24

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