ROOT Tutorial

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ROOT Tutorials at GridKa School 2013

This tutorial aims to provide a solid base to efficiently analyse data with [[1][ROOT]]. The main features of the !ROOT toolkit are presented: histogramming, data analysis using trees and advanced fitting techniques.

Material for the course

The slides of the lectures are available in electronic form from the school [[2][Agenda page]].

As complementary material, one can look at

ROOT Primer Guide, available in [[3][pdf]], [[4][html]] or [[5][epub]] format. This introductory guide illustrates the main features of ROOT, relevant for the typical problems of data analysis: input and plotting of data from measurements and fitting of analytical functions.

ROOT user guide. It can be downloaded in various format (or only individual chatters) from [[6][here]].

RooFit User Guide, available in [[7][pdf]] format. A coincide RooFit quick start guide is also available [[8][here]].

The Twiki page for following the exercise: [[9][page]]