Effective Analysis Programming Part 2

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Gridka School slides


exercise 1: virtual functions


using namespace std;

class Shape {

  virtual double getArea() const =0;


class Circle: public Shape {
  Circle() : radius(1.) {

  explicit Circle(double r) : radius(r) {

  virtual double getArea() const {
    return M_PI*radius*radius; 

  double radius;

class Square: public Shape {
  Square() : length(1.) {

  explicit Square(double l) : length(l) {

  virtual double getArea() const {
    return length*length; 
  double length;

int main() {
  vector<Shape*> myShapes;
  myShapes.push_back(new Circle(2.));  
  myShapes.push_back(new Square(3.));  


  delete myShapes[0];
  delete myShapes[1];
  • Run the code to see which versions of getArea() get called. Remove the keyword virtual in the base class and run the code again.
  • Recall why non-virtal destructors are dangerous?
  • Why are not all destructors virtual by default? The next execise will help you to answer this question.

exercise 2

C++ Templates

exercise 1: pair

std::pair is a simple template class to store a pair of values.

exercise 2: read paramerters

The library readparamertes can be used to read values from a text file like:

# GKS 2013
answer 42
parser_test "\\\"" "#" #should result in \" and #
useful yes

The following code is an example how to use readparameters:

#define MAIN_CPP

#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include "readparameters.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc,char **argv){ 
  //check arguments
  if (argc!=2) {
    cerr<<"Usage: ./params <paramfile>"<<endl;
    return 1;
  //get input filename from parameter file
  int answer;
  vector<string> v;
  try { 
      readparameters rp(argv[1]);
      answer = rp.get<int>("answer");
      rp.print_tabular(); //debug output
      rp.get<long>("Atlantis"); //exception
  catch (exception& e) {
      return 1;

  return 0;
  • Run the code, add more parameters to the text file, read a boolean parameter.
  • Read the code of the class readparamerters (you may skip the parsing part in the constructor).
    • get and get_vector are template functions. Why are there specializations for bool and string?
    • Why is the map tabular mutual?
    • What are the requirements for types to work with readparameters?
    • Why is the default constructor privat?