hidden:Upgrade Test System from 7.4.3p2 to 7.4.3p3

From Lsdf
Revision as of 14:13, 8 July 2016 by Dorin-daniel.lobontu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. '''Backup db has not been made for the test system, have to be done for productive core''' 2. '''Remove /opt/hpss link''' rm -f /opt/hpss 3. '''Upgrade DBD-DB2''' cd /ro...")
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1. Backup db has not been made for the test system, have to be done for productive core

2. Remove /opt/hpss link

rm -f /opt/hpss

3. Upgrade DBD-DB2

cd /root/Software/HPSS/Addon_Packages/
tar -zxvf DBD-DB2-1.85.tar.gz
cd DBD-DB2-1.85
. /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile
perl Makefile.PL
make install

4.Install new hpss rpms

rpm -ivh hpss-clnt- hpss-core- hpss-lib-
hpss-lib-devel- hpss-mvr- rpm -Uvh hpss-doc- --force (try --nodeps before)

5. Make now hpss link in /opt

ln -s /hpss_src/hpss- /opt/hpss

6. Start DB2

su - hpssdb
. /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile

7. Convert

. /var/hpss/hpssdb/sqllib/db2profile
hpssdb passwd: hpssdb
cnvt> db cfg
CFG> convert all
CFG> quit
hmt> db subsys1
del subsys constraints SSPVHISTORYCON1
hmt> commit
hmt> quit
cnvt> db subsys1
SUBSYS1> convert all 
Converting NSTRASH...
DB21034E  The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a 
valid Command Line Processor command.  During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0624N  Table "HPSS.NSTRASH" already has a primary key or unique constraint 
using the specified columns and periods.  SQLSTATE=42889
Conversion Time: 0 minutes 0 seconds
Conversion Time: 0 minutes 0 seconds
SUBSYS1> state
SUBSYS1> quit
hmt> db subsys1
hmt> add subsys constraints SSPVHISTORYCON1 (error in the Conversion Guide pag. 170 paragraph 10.6.4)
hmt> add subsys constraints NSOBJECTUSERATTRS1 (typo error in the Conversion Guide)
hmt> commit
hmt> quit
cnvt> db cfg
CFG> cleanup all
CFG> state
CFG> quit
cnvt> db subsys1
SUBSYS1> cleanup all
SUBSYS1> state
SUBSYS1> quit

8. E2EDP and TOR

[root@hpsstcr03 hpss_src]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 
[root@hpsscr sysconfig]# cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep -i randomize
kernel.randomize_va_space = 0
cnvt> db cfg
CFG> convert all
CFG> state
CFG> quit
cnvt> db subsys1
SUBSYS1> convert all
SUBSYS1> quit
cnvt> db cfg
CFG> cleanup all
CFG> state
CFG> quit
cnvt> db subsys1
SUBSYS1> cleanup all
SUBSYS1> state
SUBSYS1> quit

9.Full db backup (not done on the test system)

10. Install the new rpm's on all movers and change /opt/hpss link to the new version