HEP Workshop (2011)

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This is the preparation wiki for the HEP track 2011. We collect topics, the developing agenda and some facts concerning the hands-on.


For the hands-on we will have a few requirements, a laptop for login and credentials provided for the school should be enough.

The workshop will have two parts:

  • Some presentations with discussions
  • Some hands-on for selected topics


We want to install LHC VO software on VM using CVMFS. Although for the examples not strictly need, we want to install a Squid server for caching in addition. No everyone needs his/her own. We might install one per two or four. Finally we try a very simple CMS example locally to verify our installation. We also test, if the CMS European redirector works, if our file vanishes locally.

Setup a (little) Squid server

Available hosts:

* gks-1-116
* gks-1-117

Access credentials will be provided. So we need two small teams to install them.

A Squid server introduces another cache layer at the local site. The installation for a small setup is very simple. Larger sites need some considerations (not covered here.)

We follow basically the deployment example outlined here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/PDBService/SquidRPMsTier1andTier2

Default configuration values of the RPMs can be overritten, but we do not need this. Therefore we just install the RPM:

rpm -ivh  http://grid-deployment.web.cern.ch/grid-deployment/flavia/frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-3.7.sl5.x86_64.rpm

We do need to adjust some setting in /etc/squid/custumze.sh

awk --file `dirname $0`/customhelps.awk --source '{
setoption("acl NET_LOCAL src", "")
setoption("cache_mem", "256 MB")
setoptionparameter("cache_dir", 3, "10000")

Note the change in the NET_LOCAL line. This opens a certain netmask for allowed clients.

/sbin/service frontier-squid start

Do some testing with fnget.py:

./fnget.py --url=http://cmsfrontier.cern.ch:8000/Frontier/Frontier --sql="select 'test' from dual"

Look at the output. You should read the 'test' string at the end of the output. Change 'test' to another string e.g. your name. You should read it again at the output.

Now enable your squid like this:

export http_proxy=http://<Your-Squid-Host>:3128

Now repeat the test with fnget.py and have a look in the logs

cat /var/log/squid/access.log

In the first attempt it should look like this

200 843  TCP_MISS:DIRECT 38 "fnget.py 1.5"

For the second query it should look like this

200 842 TCP_MEM_HIT:NONE 0 "fnget.py 1.5"

Installing CernVMFS

This will be a challenge today, since the main expert for this part cannot be here today. We have to work along the documentation.

Just like in the real world....

Set CMS_PATH to a proper place

export CMS_PATH=/opt/cms
mkdir -p $CMS_PATH

Xrootd fall back CMS example

CMS file names are organized in LFNs (Logical File Names). They are mapped to PFNs (Physical File Names) by means of a Trivial File Catalogue (TFC) on each site. The mapping can be programmed depending on the access protocol. This is a simple example:


 <lfn-to-pfn protocol="direct"
 <pfn-to-lfn protocol="direct"
 <lfn-to-pfn protocol="xrootd"
 <pfn-to-lfn protocol="xrootd"

Which protocol is used can be configured in another configuration file:


 <site name="local">
     <catalog url="trivialcatalog_file:<YOUR CMS_ROOT_PATH>/SITECONF/local/PhEDEx/storage.xml?protocol=direct"/>
     <catalog url="trivialcatalog_file:<YOUR_CMS_ROOT_PATH>/SITECONF/local/PhEDEx/storage.xml?protocol=xrootd"/>

Put the example file into you local directory. Create proper paths, you can later play around with the mappings.

mkdir -p store/user/wissingc
cd store/user/wissingc/
wget http://grid.desy.de/GKS2011/RelValTTbar_RECO_424.root
cd <to your working area e.g. $HOME>

Prepare the little Demo Analyser (taken from the CMS workbook)

source <CMS_ROOT_PATH>/cmsset_default.sh
[CMS_ROOT_PATH is /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch]
cmsrel CMSSW_4_2_5
cd CMSSW_4_2_5/src

At this place you can test the LFN to PFN resolving. CMSSW provides a tool that reads your TFC and does the resolving

edmFileUtil -d <LFN>

Once the resolving works, we can start the real little exercise.

mkdir Demo
cd Demo
mkedanlzr DemoAnalyzer
cd DemoAnalyzer
scram b

The job configuration demoanalyzer_cfg.py should look like this:

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
process = cms.Process("Demo")
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(-1) )
process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
   # replace 'myfile.root' with the source file you want to use
   fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
process.demo = cms.EDAnalyzer('DemoAnalyzer'
process.p = cms.Path(process.demo)

Note that the /store/user/... entry is an LFN, which gets resolved by the TFC.

Run the CMS excutable

cmsRun demoanalyzer_cfg.py

It should run the demo code and open the file from the local path.

No we test the xrootd fallback. Therefore we rename the original file:

Go to the directory where it is located and rename it

mv RelValTTbar_RECO_424.root Hidden_RelValTTbar_RECO_424.root 

Run the CMS demo again and have a look at the output! Since the file cannot be accessed any longer, it will be opened remotely via an xrootd redirector, which redirects the client to an SE, that actually has the file.

cmsRun demoanalyzer_cfg.py